STEP BY STEP 英語表現1200

take ~ the wrong way


Ross: Mitzi is…..
Cheryl: My hamster. I hope she’s okay, I haven’t seen her in a while. Have a seat.
Ross: (mouths “where?”) Uh… Oh hey, do you, uh (steps on some garbage and falters) …do you have any, um, Cinnamon Fruit Toasties?
Cheryl: What?
Ross: Well, I do! Why don’t we go back to my place, light a couple of candles, break open a box of Cinnamon Fruit Toasties, uh…
Cheryl: I’d rather not.
Ross: Oh, yeah, why not?
Cheryl: Okay, um, don’t take this the wrong way, but your place kinda has a weird smell.

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 06

Chandler: Hey.
Monica: Hey.
Chandler: Oh wow, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but, I know we had plans to meet up tonight and, ugh, I’m just kinda worried about what it might do to our friendship.
Monica: I know. How could we have let this happen?
Chandler: Seven times!
Monica: Ugh! Well, y’know, we were away…
Chandler: In a foreign, romantic country…
Monica: I blame London.
Chandler: Bad London! (Takes a spoon and smacks the turkey.)
Monica: So look umm, while we’re st-still in London, I mean, we can keep doing it right?
Chandler: Well, I don’t see that we have a choice. But, when we’re back home, we don’t do it.
Monica: Only here.
Chandler: Y’know, I saw a wine cellar downstairs…
Monica: I’ll meet you there in two minutes.
Chandler: Okay!

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 01

Mona: Hi! Hi. Hi, Rachel! (to Ross) What’s she doing here?
Ross: I have no idea!
Rachel: I’ll be watching TV if anybody needs me. (exits to her room)
Mona: Seriously, what is she doing?
Ross: Uh…lately, she just likes hanging out here.
Mona: Why?
Ross: I think she’s lonely.
Mona: Okay, but it’s Valentine’s Day!
Ross: I know.
Mona: Can’t we just ask her to go?
Ross: No, no. She’s way to emotional. And by emotional I mean crazy.
(Doorbell rings)
Rachel: I’m not here! That’s just my Chinese food!
Mona: Oh, my God! She has food delivered here?
Ross: Mm-hmm. She’s—she’s emotional, but, but ballsy.
Rachel: You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to get in my sweats, and eat this in bed! (exits)
Ross: And you thought she was going to be in our way! So, why don’t you, uh, open the champagne, and I’ll be right back. I’ve got a surprise for you.
Mona: You got another ex-wife back there?
Ross: (fakes a laugh) Please start drinking! (exits)
Rachel: (entering) I’m just going to grab the phone.
Mona: Oh, Rachel! Wait! Hey, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but, but, um… what are you doing?
Rachel: Oh, I’m sorry! Do you need the phone?
Mona: No, no. Listen, Ross is too nice to say anything, but this is his apartment, and, and, we gotta have some boundaries, so why don’t you go back to your place and give us some privacy?
Rachel: (as Ross enters with a present) But, but, Mona, I live here.
Ross: (handing Mona the present) Happy Valentine’s Day! …Or something to remember me by.

– “FRIENDS” Season 8 Episode 15

Chandler: Well what is wrong with me? Am I… am I incompetent? Because I managed to survive whatever it is that killed the three of you!
Rachel: Honey, you‘re taking this the wrong way. We think you’re going to be a wonderful parent. It’s just.. you’re more the fun parent.

– “FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 08