STEP BY STEP 英語表現1192

Does the Pope shit in the woods?


[Scene: Chandler and Joey’s, The salesman is trying to sell Joey the encyclopedias.]
The Salesman: So, here’s somebody interesting, Joey. What do you know about Van Gogh?
Joey: He cut off his ear.
The Salesman: And?
Joey: I’m out.
The Salesman: He painted that. (Points to one of his paintings in the book)
Joey: Wow! That’s pretty nice. I thought he cut off his ear ‘cause he sucked. What else you got in there?
The Salesman: Let’s see, ahhh… Where does the Pope live?
Joey: In the woods. No wait-wait, that’s the joke answer.
The Salesman: Actually its, Vatican City. Now ahh, what do you know about vulcanised rubber?
Joey: Spock’s birth control.
The Salesman: (laughs) You need these books.

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 03