STEP BY STEP 英語表現1168

climb out of my butt

butt out 「〔他人のことなどに〕干渉しない、いらぬ口出しをしない、お節介を焼かない」(英辞郎)と同じ意味になりますね。Get out of my ass. に言い換え可能でしょうか。

Joanna: (entering) Did he call?
Rachel: No. Sorry.
Joanna: Why?! Why?! He said he’d call. Why hasn’t he called?
Sophie: Maybe he’s intimated by really smart, strong, successful women.
Joanna: Sophie, would you please climb out of my butt. Why hasn’t he called, Rachel? Why?
Rachel: Okay, okay. Umm, well ah, maybe he, maybe he feels awkward because you are my boss.
Joanna: Awkward? Why should he feel awkward?
Rachel: Well…
Joanna: The only person that should feel awkward is you, and you didn’t tell him not to call me, did you?
Rachel: No. I…
Joanna: Because if you feel uncomfortable with your friend dating someone you work for, there are always ways to fix…that.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 20