STEP BY STEP 英語表現1122


~に属する、~性の◆【例】English ; Spanish;~の性質を持つ、~のような、~っぽい、~がかった、~気味の、~じみた、やや~の、~の傾向がある◆【例】selfish; whitish ; blackish ; coldish;〔数値が〕およそ~の;〔時刻が〕~頃;〔年齢が〕~がらみの〔英辞郎〕

Monica: You broke a little girl’s leg?
Ross: I know, I feel horrible, okay?
Chandler: Says here that a muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night. Where exactly were you around ten-ish?
Ross: I’m gonna go see her. I wanna bring her something. Whaddya think she’d like?
Monica: Maybe a “Hello Kitty” doll? The ability to walk? (all but Ross giggle at this)
Rachel: (noticing Ross’s glare, clears throat) I’m gonna get back to retraining.
Ross: Alright. See ya guys.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 10

Chandler: You had a dream about a girl that I am seeing?! Oh, that is so cool! (To Monica) I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamt about a girl that he was seeing. (Seeing Monica’s stare.) (To Joey) Anyway we’re talking about your dream. (To Monica) I love you. (To Joey) Your dream? (Leans in to listen closely.)
Joey: Don’t worry, there wasn’t any sex in it or anything. I haven’t dreamt about her like that since I found out about you two-ish.
Monica: What was the dream about?
Joey: Well, okay. You were my girlfriend and we were doing the crossword puzzle. Y’know like you guys were doing last night. So, that’s it. I’m in love with Monica and I’ll be moving out.

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 16

-So, how is this all going over at home?
-Well, you can tell that Jim wants to talk about it. I keep sidestepping. I mean, what’s the big rush, right? There’s got to be some huge compromise somewhere between forever and right now.
-Yeah, except for men pretty much have forever and women don’t.
-I’m still young-ish. Okay? There’s plenty of time. Besides, I have to cross Kate over, and I can’t do that until I find out if Nina’s telling the truth, which means you should stop changing the subject.
-You know, you could always get that P.I. You hired to help you out.
-And distract him from getting me more information on my dad? I don’t think so. You know what I really need to do is just yank a hair right out of Payne’s head and then do my own paternity test.
-You know, as much fun as that sounds, I have a simpler idea.

– “Ghost Whisperer” Season 3 Episode 16

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