STEP BY STEP 英語表現1103

hit it off


Ross: I have to go. Yeah, Carol should be home by now, soo…
Chandler: Umm, how’s it going with you guys?
Ross: Oh, better, actually. Y’know I-I-I think I finally figured out why we were having so much trouble lately.
Phoebe: Oh, really?
Ross: Yeah, y’know how I have you guys, well she doesn’t have any close friends that are just hers, but last week she meet this woman at the gym, Susan something, and they really hit it off, and I-I-I think it’s gonna make a difference

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 06

Chandler: Hey.
Phoebe: Hey! So I had a great day, Rick and I really hit it off, and we started making out, and then my boss walked in and fired me for being a whore.
Joey: What?!
Rachel: You got fired?!
Monica: Oh my Gosh!
Phoebe: It’s so weird, I have never been fired from anything before!
Rachel: Sweety…
Phoebe: I just-I just started walking around not knowing what to do next, y’know? I-I started asking people on the street if they wanted massages. Then these policemen, thought I was a whore too. It’s been a really bad day, whore wise.

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 04

Carol: I can’t speak for Emily, but Susan is in a loving, committed relationship.
Ross: Uh-huh, Carol, so were we. All right, just-just imagine for a moment, Susan meets someone and-and they really hit it off. Y’know? Say-say they’re coming back from the theatre, and they-they stop at a pub for a couple of drinks, they’re laughing, y’know, someone innocently touches someone else… There’s electricity, it’s new. It’s exciting. Are you telling me there isn’t even the slightest possibility of something happening?
Carol: Maybe.
Ross: OH MY GOD!! I didn’t really believe it until you just said it!!

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 18

Rachel: Oh well, y’know, the gala had to end sometime.
Danny: Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back. (He heads off.)
Rachel: Yeah, sure. (To Monica) All right, whose court is the ball in now?
Monica: I thought there wasn’t a ball?
Rachel: Oh, come on! He’s glad that I came, he doesn’t want me to go anywhere, balls flying all over the place!
Danny: (returning, with a friend) Rachel, this is my friend Tom. (To Tom) This is the girl I told you about.
Rachel: Oh, go on! You telling people about me?
Danny: You two could really hit it off! I’m gonna go mingle. (Leaves.)

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 07

Rachel: Oh Ross, hi! Hey, how are ya? There you are!
Ross: Hey!
Rachel: (to Gunther) I’ll take a coffee. (To Ross) So how was your big date last night?
Ross: Uhh, it was okay. Yeah, it was fun.
Rachel: Yeah fun? Great! So uh, so did you guys hit it off?
Ross: I guess so.
Rachel: So uh, so did anything happen? Because rumor has it you guys shut the drapes!
Ross: No. No. Nothing happened. I shut the drapes to uh, show her slides of my favorite fossils.
Rachel: Oh, slides. (Laughs.) So really nothing happened.
Ross: Something could’ve happened. All right? She-she really dug my slides. And-and she was definitely giving me the vibe.

– “FRIENDS” Season 6 Episode 14

Monica: I know, but what are we gonna do? She really needs this job.
Ross: Do you think if the Ralph Lauren people offered her her old job back, she would take it?
Monica: How is that gonna happen?
Chandler: Is this the best way to use one of your three magic wishes?
Ross: I don’t know. I could talk to her boss. Yeah! I met him at that Christmas party. We really hit it off.
Monica: You mean the guy who kept calling you Ron?
Ross: I didn’t say we were brothers.

– “FRIENDS” Season 10 Episode 14

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