STEP BY STEP 英語表現1078

freak out

〈俗〉ひどくびくつく[興奮する]、訳の分からないことをする[言う]◆【同】trip out;〈俗〉〔人を〕怖がらせる、ビクビクさせる

[Scene: Rachel’s bedroom. Ross is in bed, humming the Star Wars theme music. Rachel comes out dressed in a robe with her hair tied in buns.]
Rachel: Okay, here we go. [she pulls off the robe to reveal the gold bikini] I’m Jabba’s prisoner and you…have a really weird look on your face… honey, what is it? Did I get it wrong? Did I get the hair wrong? Did you just picture it differently? What? What?
Ross: No. It’s not you, it’s… [suddenly, instead of Rachel standing there, Ross sees his mother dressed in the outfit]
Rachel (in mother’s voice): Well, what is it? Come on, sweetie, you’re kinda like freakin’ me out here.
Ross: I hate Chandler. The bastard ruined my life.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 01

Chandler: (entering) Hey!
Monica: Hi.
Chandler: I just came over to drop off…nothing. So that weekend kinda sucked, huh?
Monica: Yeah, it did.
Chandler: So, I guess this is over.
Monica: What?
Chandler: Well, y’know, you and me, it had to end sometime.
Monica: Why, exactly?
Chandler: Because of the weekend, we had a fight.
Monica: Chandler that’s crazy! If you give up every time you’d have a fight with someone you’d never be with anyone longer than—Ohhh! (They both realize something there.)
Chandler: So, this isn’t over?
Monica: (laughs) You are so cute! No. No, it was a fight. You deal with it and move on! It’s nothing to freak out about.
Chandler: Really? Okay. Great!
Monica: Ohh, welcome to an adult relationship! (She goes to kiss him.)
Chandler: (stops her) We’re in a relationship?
Monica: I’m afraid so.
Chandler: Okay. (They kiss.)

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 05

Joey: Phoebe?
Phoebe: Joey? What’s going on?
Joey: Look. (He walks out of the bathroom with his head stuck in a huge turkey.)
Phoebe: Oh my God!
Joey: I know! It’s stuck!!!
Phoebe: (walks him to the kitchen) Easy. Step. How did it get on?
Joey: I put it on to scare Chandler!
Phoebe: Oh my God! Monica’s gonna totally freak out!
Joey: Well then help me get it off! Plus, it smells really bad in here.
Phoebe: Well, of course it smells really bad. You have your head up a dead animal.

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 08

Phoebe: All right, I’d better go too. I have to go talk to my dad.
Rachel: Ooh, Pheebs, what are you gonna say? Are you gonna tell him who you are?
Phoebe: Umm, no, not at first ‘cause I-I don’t want to freak him out.
Ross: Well, but aren’t you pissed at him?! I mean this guy abandoned you! I gotta tell you if this were me, this guy would be in some serious physical danger! (Getting worked up) I mean I-I-I’d walk in there and I’d be like, “Yo, dad! You and me outside right now!” (Calming down.) I kinda scared myself.
Monica: Well, at least you scared someone.
Phoebe: Y’know it’s funny, you’d think I’d be angry. I mean, you’d think I’d wanna rip his tiny little head off. Fortunately, I’m past it.
Monica: Phoebe, you do seem a little tense. Here, let me help you.
Phoebe: All right.

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 13

*pissed at  《be ~》〈卑〉(人)にむかつく[腹を立てる]

Phoebe: Rachel Karen Green, where’s the other earring?!
Rachel: Okay, okay, okay, look, just don’t freak out, but I kinda lost it. I know it’s in the apartment, but I definitely lost it.
Phoebe: Well, what am I going to tell Monica? She wants to wear them tonight!
Rachel: Tell her to wear her own earrings.
Phoebe: These are her earrings.
Rachel: Nooo! Nooooo! You lent me Monica’s earrings?! I’m not allowed to borrow her stuff!
Phoebe: Why not?
Rachel: Because I lose her stuff!

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 19

Rachel: She asked-asked you out again?
Ross: Yeah-uh-huh. Tomorrow night, Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year. Who knows what could happen? I might not be shutting my drapes to show her my slides, if you know what I mean.
Rachel: Okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay! I got it! I got it! I got it! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I cannot go with you and my sister thing. Okay? I just can’t. It’s just too weird, all right? I imagine the two of you together and I freak out. It freaks me out. I can’t do it! I can’t do it.
Ross: (while Rachel is finishing her rant) Okay! Okay! Okay! It’s okay. (Rachel stops.) It’s okay. Hey, it’s too weird for you, I won’t see her again.
Rachel: Thank you. I…yeah.
Ross: I mean after tomorrow night.
Rachel: No-no-no! No-no-no! Please Ross, I can’t! I can’t do it! (Starts to freak out.) It’s just gonna freak me out!!!
Ross: Okay! Okay! Ooh-hey-hey-hey! Okay! Okay! Okay! I’ll-I’ll tell her tonight I can’t see her anymore.
Rachel: Ross thanks.

– “FRIENDS” Season 6 Episode 14

Rachel: Look, um, I think we should talk about what happened on the terrace.
Tag: Okay.
Rachel: Ah, I-I never should have said what I said. It—y’know what? It just doesn’t matter how I feel. I mean we work together, so nothing could really ever happen between us, and what I would love is just to go to work on Monday, and-and never talk about this again, okay? Big day Monday lots to do. So, we’re okay?
Tag: Um, I’m not.
Rachel: Oh, god, I know it, that I freaked you out.
Tag: No, you didn’t. The only thing that freaked me out was you saying that nothing could ever happen between us.
Rachel: Really?
Tag: Yeah, so, please don’t fire me for doing this. (He kisses her)
Rachel: Okay, well, that’s one less thing we have to do on Monday.

– “FRIENDS” Season 7 Episode 08

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