STEP BY STEP 英語表現1061

 hit the road


Mrs. Greene : Alright, Monica dear, I’m gonna hit the road. Now I’ve left my 10 verbs on the table. And you be sure and send me that finished poem.
Monica : Ok will do. So glad you came.
Mrs. Greene : I think I saw Rachel out in the hall.
Monica : Ok, let me go check. Your mom want’s to say goodbye.
Rachel : Oh ok.
Mrs. Greene : Happy birthday sweetie.
Rachel : Ok.

– “FRIENDS” Season 2 Episode 22

Phoebe : You know, I had a dream that Ross and Rachel were still together – they never broke up. And we were all just, like, hangin’ out and everyone was happy …
Joey : I had that same dream!
Phoebe : Yeah, and nobody slept with that Xerox girl.
Joey : Oh, I had the opposite dream.
Chandler : Y’know what? Maybe it’s gonna be okay. I mean, it’s been a week …
Joey : Yeah … I mean, it’s never taken me more than a week to get over a relationship. (chuckles to himself)
Monica : (to Joey) It’s never taken you more than a shower to get over a relationship. (Rachel enters, and Monica and Phoebe quickly rush to greet her at the door) Okay! Let’s go! Let’s hit the road

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 17

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1060
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1062