STEP BY STEP 英語表現1060

wet the bed


Rachel : This is it, isn’t it? I mean, this is what my life is gonna be like. My mom there, my dad there. Thanksgiving, Christmas. She gets the house, he’s in some condo my sister’s gonna decorate with wicker. Oh, Chandler how did you get through this?
Chandler : Well, I relied on a carefully regimented program of denial and, and wetting the bed.
Rachel : Ya know, I just, so weird. I mean I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other and all I kept thinking about was the fourth of July.
Chandler : Becasue it reminded you of the way our forefathers used to bitch at each other?

– “FRIENDS” Season 2 Episode 22

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1059
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1061