STEP BY STEP 英語表現1059

when all is said and done


Rachel: You want me to see a therapist?
Mrs. Greene: Sweetheart, you obviously have a problem. You’ve chosen a boyfriend exactly like your father.
Rachel: Ok mom, you know what, fine, I’ll make an appointment ok, but you know what, right now, I gotta go, I gotta go do a thing.
[Chandler and Joey’s party]
Mr. Greene: Did you know your mother spent $1200 dollars on bonsai trees. I felt like Gulliver around that place.
Rachel: Daddy, daddy, you know what, I really wanna hear more about this, I really do, but I just have, I just have to do a, some stuff.
[Monica’s party]
Mrs. Greene: You work and you work and you work at a marriage but all he cares about is his stupid boat.
[Chandler and Joey’s party]
Mr. Greene: You work and you work and you work on a boat…
Mrs. Greene: He always ridiculed my pottery classs…
Mr. Greene: …and you sand it and you varnish it…
Mrs. Greene: …but when all is said and done, he still drinks out of the mugs.
Mr. Greene: …and her yoga and her Bridges of Madison County…
Mrs. Greene: …the scotch and the cigarettes…
Mr. Greene: …and the bonsai’s and the chiuaua…
Mrs. Greene: …I may have only been in therapy for three weeks now dear but…
Mr. Greene: …what the hell does she want with half a boat…

– “FRIENDS” Season 2 Episode 22

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1058
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1060