STEP BY STEP 英語表現1188

get cracking on


Rachel: I wrote you a letter.
Ross: Ohh! Thank you! I like mail. (He goes to kiss her again, but she turns away.)
Rachel: (handing him the letter) It’s just some things I’ve been thinking about. Some things about us, and before we can even think about the two of us getting back together, I just need to know how you feel about this stuff.
Ross: Okay. (He leans in to kiss her again, but she leans back preventing him from making contact.) Wow, it’s-it’s 5:30 in the morning. (Rachel laughs) So, I’d better get cracking on this baby.
Rachel: Well, I’ll be waiting for you, just come up when you’re done.
Ross: Okay, I’ll be up in, (looks at the letter) 18 pages. Front and back. Very exciting.

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 01