STEP BY STEP 英語表現1187

ass off

〈話〉〔人が仕事などを〕一生懸命(に)、必死に◆「動詞 + one’s ass off」の形で用いられ、動詞を強調する。◆【同】very hard◆【参考】tits off〔英辞郎〕

[Scene: Phoebe Sr.’s house, it’s right after she told Phoebe that she’s her birth mother.]
Phoebe Sr.: So I guess you’d like to know how it all happened.
Phoebe: I-I mean I, well I think I can figure it out. I guess y’know I was born, and everyone started lying their asses off!
Phoebe Sr.: Noo! No! It wasn’t like that I… Remember how I told you how Lily, Frank, and I we were, we were close. Well, we were, we were very close.
Phoebe: How close?
Phoebe Sr.: Well, the-the three of us we were, kind of umm, a couple.
Phoebe: I don’t even know how that would work!
Phoebe Sr.: Well, we were…
Phoebe: (interrupting) I’m not asking!

– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 01

Ross: Hey everybody, Pheebs is here!
Joey: Phoebe!
Chandler: Hey, Pheebs!
Rachel: Phoebe, woo!
Phoebe: Okay, woo! Hi.
Chandler: Okay, Pheebs, we decided the picnic idea was a little… Y’know, it didn’t have any… It-it, well it blew. So, we thought, that this afternoon that we would all go away for the whole weekend to, Atlantic City!
Phoebe: Ooh, Atlantic City! Oh, that’s a great plan! Who’s plan was that?
Joey: Mine!
Ross: Wait! It was my plan.
Joey: Nooo, I said we needed a new plan.
Ross: And, I came up with Atlantic City.
Joey: Which, is the new plan!
Monica: Okay, well, why don’t we all meet upstairs in an hour?
Phoebe: Okay! Ooh-ahh, I’m gonna go pack. I’m gonna go pack my ass off!
(They all go pack except for Ross.)

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 02

[Scene: Joey and Rachel’s apartment, Phoebe is helping Joey rehearse for an audition. Phoebe is overacting her part.]
Joey: The reactor’s gonna blow in three seconds, we’re never gonna make it!
Phoebe: You’ve got to get out of here! Save yourself!
Joey: No! I won’t leave you!
Phoebe: Don’t worry about me, I’m a robot! I’m just a machine!!
Joey: No you’re not! Not to me!
Phoebe: (she stops reading from the script) Oh my God.
Joey: What?
Phoebe: I am extremely talented!
Joey: Yeah, you’re great! Okay, let’s take it from…
Phoebe: (interrupting) No, I mean I was really acting my ass off.
Joey: Yeah, I thought I was pretty good too.
Phoebe: Oh yeah, you’re solid. Yeah, you’re just no me.
Joey: Y’know what? I think that’s enough for now. Yeah. I don’t want to be over rehearsed.

– “FRIENDS” Season 6 Episode 20