STEP BY STEP 英語表現1180

if worse comes to worst

《if (the) worst [worse] comes to (the) worst》最悪[万一]の場合(には)、悪くすると、最悪の状態[ケース]になったら、まかり間違えば〔英辞郎〕

 DVD英語字幕では if worse comes to worse になっていますが、私が参照しているHPの字幕は下記のとおりです。英辞郎の見出し if worse comes to worst が理に適っていると思います。

Monica: (watching a happy couple walk by, arm in arm) Would you look at them. Am I ever gonna find a boyfriend again? I gonna die an old maid.
Chandler: You’re not gonna die an old maid, maybe an old spinster cook.
Monica: (sarcastic) Thanks!
Chandler: Hey now besides, if worst comes to worst I’ll be your boyfriend.
(At that suggestion Monica starts laughing.)
Monica: Yeah right.
Chandler: Why is that so funny?
Monica: You made a joke right? So I laughed.
Chandler: Ha-ha-ha. A little to hard. What am I not ah, boyfriend material?
Monica: Well, no. You’re Chandler. Y’know, Chandler!

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 25