STEP BY STEP 英語表現1165

since sliced bread

スライスした食パン以来の◆Otto Frederick Rohwedderが1928年に米国で発売したbread slicing machineは食パンを好みの厚さにスライスしてパックする機械で当時画期的な発明と絶賛を浴びた。◆the greatest thingやthe best thingなどと組み合わせて(スライスパンの発明以来の)「画期的なもの」、「大したもの」、「最高に良い物」、「最高に素晴らしい物」などの意味で用いられる。
best thing since sliced bread
《the ~》最高の[最上の・とても素晴らしい・たいそう素晴らしい・大変立派な・比類なき]もの[こと・人]◆「スライスしたパン以来の素晴らしい発明品」という意味。皮肉を込めてほめるときに使われることもある。”sliced bread”の代わりに”chewing gum”, “the hula hoop”, “the hamburger”などが使われることがある。〔英辞郎〕

Joey: Just because she went to Yale drama, she thinks she’s like the greatest actress since, since, sliced bread!
Chandler: Ah, Sliced Bread, a wonderful Lady MacBeth.
Joey: God, I just, I hate her! I hate her!! With her, ‘Oh, I’m so talented.’ and ‘Oh, I’m so pretty,’ and ‘Ooh, I smell so good.’
Chandler: I think somebody has a crush on somebody.
Joey: Hey, Chandler, can we please stay focused on my problem here?! Y’know?
Chandler: I’m talking about you. You big, big freak.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 19

 杉田敏先生のNHKラジオ実践ビジネス英語 2015年10月号でこの表現を学んでいたことがわかりました。その説明とビニェットの一部を引用させていただきます。

the greatest [best] thing since sliced bread

McMillan: Besides cutting down on cereal, I recently saw some research showing that Americans are drinking less orange juice. That was a bit of a shocker. I always thought Americans liked to start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed OJ.
Umemura: Yeah, I’m surprised too to hear that orange juice is no longer a breakfast staple for Americans.
Lyons: It’s true. Pardon the pun, but orange juice is being squeezed on various fronts. For example, people are going for juices with more exotic appeal and supposed health benefits.
Collins: Like my friend Judy, who swears by pomegranate juice. She thinks it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread — not that she eats bread anymore. She says she has to watch her carb intake.