STEP BY STEP 英語表現1142

bite to eat

《a ~》少量の軽食

Ross: Hi!
Rachel: Hi, sweetie.
Ross: Hello! (he kisses Rachel)
Mark: (to Ross) Hey, Ross.
Ross: (over his shoulder) Uh-huh.
Rachel: I’ve got some bad news.
Ross: What?
Rachel: I can get a quick bite to eat, but then I’m gonna have to come back up here.
Ross: C’mon sweetie, you’ve had to work late every night for the past two weeks. What is it this time?
Mark: Uh, actually, it’s kind of my fault, I- I quit today.
Ross: (perking up, to Rachel) … but work comes first. (turning, to MARK with almost mock sadness) Oh, hey, but that’s sad about you, though. What happened? What happened? Burnout? Burn all out, didja?
Rachel: No, he’s leaving for a better job.
Ross: Oh, well that’s great, so I guess this is uh, this is “goodbye” then, huh? Goodbye. (throws pad in his box and chuckles to himself)

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 14

Phoebe: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Yes, I’m the one who found your phone.
Rachel: Phoebe! You can’t do th…
Phoebe: (To Rachel) Shhh! I’m on a call! (On phone) Umm well yeah, you can pick it up tonight, say 8:30? At-at my apartment. It’s umm, it’s umm 5 Morton Street, Apartment 14, umm and then maybe y’know after we can grab a bite to eat or whatever. (Listens) Okay, well okay I’ll see you then. (Listens) Bye. (Hangs up.)
Rachel: You do know that I will be here when he comes over.
Phoebe: Oh? And how will you know what time to come over?
Rachel: You just said it!

– “FRIENDS” Season 7 Episode 15

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1141
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1143