STEP BY STEP 英語表現1118

Says who?

だれがそんな(ばかな)ことを言ってるの?(◆Who says that? よりもくだけた表現)

Joey : Chandler, you have to start getting over her. All right, if you play, you get some fresh air, maybe it’ll take your mind off Janice, and if you don’t play, everyone will be mad at you ‘cause the teams won’t be even. Come on.
Chandler : Yeah, all right, I’ll play.
Phoebe : Yay!!
Rachel : Let’s do it! Ross?
Ross : What?
Rachel : Do you wanna play football?
Ross : Um, Monica and I aren’t supposed to play football.
Joey : Says who? Your mom?
Monica and Ross : Yeah.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 09

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1117
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1119