STEP BY STEP 英語表現1104

get … out of one’s system


Friend 1: Well, I would like to propose a toast: to the woman, who in one year from today, will become Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber DDS.
Rachel: Ummm, I think it’s time to see the ring again. (holds her hand out and they all scream)
Friend 2: Oh, isn’t it exciting, I mean it’s like having a boyfriend for life.
Rachel: (clears her throat) Yeah, I know.
Friend 1: What?
Rachel: Oh, I don’t know. Well maybe it’s just the idea of Barry for the rest of my life. I don’t know I think I feel like I need to have one last fling, y’know, just to sorta get it out of my system. (Chandler is listening in very intensely)
Friend 1: Rachel stop!
Friend 2: You’re so bad!
Rachel: I’m serious, I really, I think I need just to have some…meaningless, sex y’know, with the next guy I see.
(Chandler throws the cue ball under there table)

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 06

Rachel: Joey, why wouldn’t you invite us to your parties?
Joey: You’re fine, ok? But everyone else acts like an idiot around famous people!
Rachel: Well, then so you just invite me…!
Joey: (speaking aloud) Please, I was trying to be nice, you’re the worst one!
Rachel: Oh, Joey, come on! Please, please! Let me come, I will behave, I promise! I will behave! Please, please, please…
Joey: Ok, ok! Fine! You can come, but don’t tell anybody else. It’s up on the roof at 8.
Rachel: (yelling and jumping like a child) OH, a soap opera roof party!! I’m going to a soap opera roof party!! Oh my God, oh my God!! (realizing how she’s behaving) And it’s out of my system!

-“FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 20

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STEP BY STEP 英語表現1103
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STEP BY STEP 英語表現1105