STEP BY STEP 英語表現1101

on the house


Frank: Hey, what kind of work do you do?
Phoebe: Oh! I’m a masseuse. I give people massages and stuff.
Frank: You-you work at one of those massage parlors?
Phoebe: Well, y’know we don’t call it that, but yeah!
Frank: (starts laughing) Wow! That’s wild! No, I had no idea.
Phoebe: All righty. I’ll be back in-in a little bit. Unless you wanna come with me?
Frank: You mean like watch?
Phoebe: No, no, you can get one yourself. It’ll be on the house! Y’know what are big sisters for?
Frank: Well, I don’t think this, y’know.
Phoebe: No, no, no, I wouldn’t do you myself, I mean that would be weird. Yeah, no, I’ll get one of the other girls to do it. Oh, this is so much fun! Yay! Are you excited?
Frank: Yeah! Hey, do Monica and Rachel work there?

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 05

(A good-looking woman approaches.)
Woman: Hi!
Joey: Hi!
Woman: How much do I owe you for the muffin and the latte?
Joey: Oh that’s on the house courtesy of Joey Tribbiani.
Woman: Oh great! Well, tell him thanks. And since uh, Joey seems like such a nice guy, maybe we could go on a date sometime?
Joey: Well, he’s not used to women being so forward with him; but uh, I good check with him—He says it’s okay. (She hands him her card.) Great! Thanks! Bye-bye!
Ross: Hey Joey, how come our stuff isn’t free?
Joey: It will be when you look like that in a tight skirt! This is great! I’m getting more dates than ever!
Rachel: Wait a minute, you’re only giving free stuff away to the pretty girls?
Phoebe: Yeah Joey that is so gross!
Joey: How about a scone on the house baby?
Phoebe: (giggles) I’m pretty.

– “FRIENDS” Season 6 Episode 13

Waiter: Look; you got stood up, who cares? We’re gonna show you a good time. Just sit and relax. In fact, let me bring you a crab cake appetizer on the house.
Ross: Wow, free crab cakes. Well, that’s nice. Although I was hoping to have sex tonight.
Waiter: Ooh…

– “FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 14

 house の代わりに on me であれば、「僕のおごりで」になりますよ。

Chandler : Why, it’s six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish! The Blowfish!
Monica : It’s on us, all right, so don’t worry. It’s our treat.
Phoebe : So…Thank you.
Ross : Could you be less enthused?
Joey : Look, it’s a nice gesture, it is. But it just feels like–
Monica : Like?
Joey : Charity.
Monica : Charity?
Ross : We’re just tryin’ to do a nice thing here.
Rachel : Ross, you have to understand that your nice thing makes us feel this big.
Phoebe : Actually, it makes us feel that big.
Ross : I don’t, I don’t understand. I mean, you, it’s like we can’t win with you guys.
Chandler : If you guys feel this big, maybe that’s not our fault. Maybe that’s just how you feel.

– “FRIENDS” Season 2 Episode 05

(Joey successfully enters the entertainment center, and Chandler closes the door on Joey.)
Joey : You are dogged man! I totally fit!
Chandler : Yeah, you got me. (picks up a 2×4 and puts it through the handles so that the doors won’t open) I’m out five big ones! (puts the money in the crack between the door and frame) Here you go.
Joey : Thank you. Cha-ching! (Joey pulls money through. Chandler starts to leave) Oh, well hello Mr. Lincoln. Better luck next time buddy. (Chandler leaves and closes the door) And the drinks are on me !

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 05

Ross: Excuse me, is there a woman waiting at the bar? Someone average height, dark hair, perhaps doing a puzzle?
Waiter: Uh, there’s a drunk Chinese guy.
Ross: Well, if I’m still here in an hour, buy him a drink on me.
Waiter: Can I get you another glass of wine?
Ross: Nah, I don’t know if I should. I don’t wanna be drunk when I go home alone.
Waiter: Got stood up, huh?
Ross: Yeah, it’s no big deal. It’s just a blind date.
Waiter: Are you worried your date came, saw you, and left?
Ross: No!

-“FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 14

*blind date  ブラインドデート◆まだ会ったことのない男女が、第三者の仲介によって出会って、二人だけで行うデート;ブラインドデートの相手

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