STEP BY STEP 英語表現1095

move in together


Janice : We should?
Chandler : Yep. We’re a couple…and that’s, uh, what couples do. And I want to meet your parents. We should take a trip…with your parents!
Janice : [cackling laugh] I don’t think we need to because you’re tripping me out right now! Are you okay?
Chandler : I am. I actually am. I mean, this is amazing. My entire life, I have feared this place. And now, that I’m here, it’s like, what was the big deal? I mean, I could probably say “let’s move in together” and I’d be okay.
Janice : You probably want us to move in together?
Chandler : It doesn’t scare me!
Janice : Well, it scares me. I mean, I’m not even divorced yet, Chandler. You know, you just invited me over here for pasta. And all of a sudden, you’re like, talking about moving in together. And I wasn’t even that hungry. You know what, it’s getting really late and I should just…

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 04

Phoebe: Hey you guys! Ok, we’ve got great news.
Mike: Phoebe and I are moving in together.
Monica, Chandler, Ross: Congratulations!/Good for you!/Great!
Phoebe: I know it’s so exciting! You know I’ve never lived with a guy before.
Monica: Well you know it’s just like living with a girl. Only they don’t steal your makeup. Unless they’re playing “This is what my sister would look like” (Looks at Chandler)
Chandler: Yeah…. she’s not so cute.
Mike: I’m gonna go to the bathroom.
Phoebe: Okay, well you put down the toilet seat.
Mike: Yes dear.
Monica: Is that a bit you guys do?
Phoebe: Uh huh…we’re playing you two.
Monica: We don’t do that! Tell her we don’t do that!
Chandler: Yes dear.
Ross: I can’t believe you guys are moving in together. That’s, that’s great! I mean…I’m happy for you guys..
Monica: I hear wedding bells.

– “FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 16

Mike: Look it’s not about who I would marry. And I was certain the first time I got married it would last forever. And I was totally wrong!
Phoebe: But it’s just…
Mike: Look Phoebe, It’s not about you. I just never wanna get married again.
Phoebe: Oh!
Mike: I’m sorry. Are you ok with that? Cause if not…maybe us moving in together isn’t the best idea.
Phoebe: No! I definitely don’t wanna get married. No I just wanted to make sure you didn’t want to too. Whew! Coz you know when we move in and you start changing your mind there’s gonna be hell to pay mister!
Mike: Trust me, I will never…
Phoebe: Yeah I get that.

– “FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 16

Ross: But come on! I mean living together will be great! I mean you guys have so much fun and you love Mike.
Phoebe: I do love Mike.
Ross: Yeah see? And you are so excited about moving in together before, and you know what? You should be. It’s a big deal!
Phoebe: Yeah I guess you’re right. Yeah thanks. This helped. Thanks.

– “FRIENDS” Season 9 Episode 16

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STEP BY STEP 英語表現1094
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1096