STEP BY STEP 英語表現1084

what it takes


Ross : You know what, I don’t care. The only person I cared about getting dressed is the one person that says she’s not even gonna go. [goes over to Rachel] Look, Rach, I’m sorry. Okay. Look, I was a jerk. Okay. I’m sorry I yelled. I want you there. I need you there. What can I do to show you how much I want you to be there?
Joey : You could drink the fat.
Ross : Alright, welcome to an adult conversation…
Rachel : No. No. No. Wait. Wait a minute. That actually sounds interesting.
Ross : What?
Rachel : I think you should drink the fat.
Joey : Yay.
Ross : Okay. Okay. If that’s what it takes to show you how much you mean to me and how much I want you there, then that’s what I’ll do.

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 02

Ross: (on phone) Hello.
Emily: (on phone from London) Hello, Ross?
Ross: Emily? Emily! Oh my God! Oh my God, it’s Emily! (He picks up a lamp and hands it to Chandler, for no reason.) It’s Emily everyone! Shush-shush-shhst! (to Emily) Hi!
Emily: Ross, I’m only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Good-bye!
Ross: No wait! Look, wait! Okay, you can hang up, but I’m gonna keep calling! I’m gonna, I’m gonna call everyone in England if that’s what it takes to get you to talk to me!
Emily: Really? About what?
Ross: Look you’re my wife. We’re-we’re married. Y’know? I-I love you. I-I really miss you.
Emily: I miss you to. Well, at least I think I do.
Ross: (to the gang, whispering) She’s talking.

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 04

Joey: We all hate Emily!
Phoebe: Nooo!!
Monica: No, Ross, we do not hate Emily. We-we just, we just think that you’re having to sacrifice a whole lot to make her happy.
Joey: Yeah!
Chandler: Look, we just think that maybe she’s being a little unreasonable.
Joey: Yes! Yes! Unreasonable!
Ross: Unreasonable? How about we have this conversation when one of you guys gets married! You have no idea what it takes to make a marriage work! All right, it’s about compromise! Do you always like it? No! Do you do it? Yes! Because it’s not all laughing, happy, candy in the sky, drinking coffee at Central Perk all the time! It’s real life, okay? It’s what grown-ups do! (He storms out.)

– “FRIENDS” Season 5 Episode 06

Mr. Franklin: Oh then you know each other.
Chandler: We’re on a semi-first name basis.
Mr. Franklin: What do you think of adding him to our team?
Chandler: Bob? Ooh, working here with us? Everyday? Yeah, I don’t know if he has what it takes.
Mr. Franklin: Really? They love him down on six.
Chandler: But this is eleven. It’s almost twice as hard up here.
Mr. Franklin: Okay, I hear you loud and clear. Bob will stay put.
Chandler: I think it’s best sir.
Mr. Franklin: But we really do need to find someone up here. The work is starting to pile up. I’ve got a stack of documents on my desk this high. (Holds his hand at shoulder level.)

– “FRIENDS” Season 8 Episode 05

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1083
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1085