STEP BY STEP 英語表現1077

on someone’s nickel


Dad: Honey, relationships are hard. Like with your mom and me. You know, after we graduated from college, we broke up for awhile. It seems her father, your grandfather, wanted her to travel around Europe like he did. Of course, he got to do it on Uncle Sam’s nickel because he was also strafing German troop trains at the time, however…
[He looks over at Monica, who is now fast asleep. He pulls the blanket over her, kisses her cheek, takes the cigar, and turns the volume on up the television.]

– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 01

*Uncle Sam米国政府. [U(nited) S(tates) を人になぞらえたもの]〔英辞郎〕

英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1076
英 語


STEP BY STEP 英語表現1078