junsai ジュンサイ


junsai じゆんさい 草菜 water shield Brasenia schreberi, A little water plant growing in ponds and marshes that has long, thread-like stems thrown up from the root. In spring and early summer these produce leafy shoots enclosed in a gelatinous sheath, which float on the surface and are gathered from small boats. It is an expensive delicacy with virtually no flavor, appreciated for its gelatinous texture. Often served in suimono, it is almost impossible to retrieve with chopsticks. It is also prepared as aemono and is eaten with soy sauce and wasabi, and also with sanbaizu. It is sold loose (in plastic bags) and in bottles.

- Richard Hosking “A Dictionary of Japanese Food” (Tuttle, Feb. 28, 2015)


   Formal meals offer the area above all for intricate rules governing appearance, since it is here that appearance is the most important thing. Ka’ichi Tsuji, one of the great master of high-class Japanese cuisine writes, “There is nothing more important in Japanese food than arranging it well, with special regard to the color, on plates chosen to suit the food” (辻嘉一 『四季の盛りつけ料理の色と形』). The absence of any reference to flavor is revealing. Donald Richie, in his highly recommended book A Taste of Japan, writes, “The food is to be looked at as well as eaten. The admiration to be elicited is more, or other, than gustatory. The appeal has its own satisfactions, and it may truly be said in Japan the eyes are at least as large as the stomachs. Certainly the number of rules involving modes and methods of presentation indicate the importance of eye appeal.”


 STEP BY STEP 英語表現 253 Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.


『街道をゆく 34 大徳寺散歩 中津・宇佐のみち』(朝日新聞社 1990年4月10日第一刷発行 216-7頁)


国宝 瑠璃光寺五重塔