落ち穂ひろいmini schm-
Yiddish (イディッシュ語◆米国や東欧などのユダヤ人移民の間で話される、ヘブライ語、ドイツ語、スラブ語が合わさってできた言語。ヘブライ文字で書かれる 〔英辞郎〕)には schm- で始まる語が多いそうです。これを使って単語を冗談っぽく?変化させる造語法があります。
例えば、下記 ”FRIENDS” の最初の引用の penis の p を schm にして schmenis ですね。Chandlerは、元の単語の先頭部分を schm- に置き換えて 「(penis があろうがなかろうが = レズであろうがなかろうが)そんなことどっちでもいい」というコメントに仕上げているのだと思いますが、聞き手の注意を引きつけるという意味では一種の強調表現と言えるかもしれませんね。日本語字幕から察するに、滑稽さや嘲り・愚弄するようなニュアンスを付け加えるような感じでしょうか。いずれにせよ、こんなところにも米国社会におけるユダヤ系の存在の大きさが窺えます。
ところで、この畳語 (Shm-reduplication) の存在を教えてくれたのが NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語の杉田敏先生ですが、2015年4月号のビニェットに出てくる fancy-schmancy 「《米俗》 気取った、ひどく手の込んだ」という単語がそれです。ビニェットの一部を転載させていただきます。
Umemura: It’s amazing, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the people in the world could be at least bilingual? Think of the benefits that could bring to human society.
「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2015年4月号 」
Nissen: Here’s a question — how far do you have to go to reap the benefits of being bilingual? In my case, I took French in high school, so I can order an haute cuisine meal in a fancy-schmancy French restaurant. Does that give me an advantage over members of the hoi polloi who don’t know the difference between an entrée and an aperitif?
Umemura: I hope I’m not bursting a bubble here, but no. That kind of casual, occasional use don’t count. To be considered bilingual, you have to use both languages all the time or nearly all the time.
それでは、米国ドラマ “FRIENDS” から用例をご紹介させて頂きます。
Chandler : [to an attractive woman] I shouldn’t even bother coming up with a line, right? [The woman walks away]
Chandler : [to the woman who just rejected him] All right look. Penis schmenis. We’re all people. [She walks away again.]
– “FRIENDS” Season 2 Episode 11
(She sits down, and Mark leans over and kisses her. Rachel doesn’t react. He tries it again, and Rachel jumps back quickly.)
Rachel: Y’know what?
Mark: No. And I don’t think I’m gonna want to.
Rachel: I can’t do this.
Mark: Yep. Yep, that’s what I didn’t want to know.
Rachel: Well, oh, Mark, I’m doing this for the wrong reasons, y’know? I’m just doing it to get back at Ross. I’m sorry, it’s not very fair to you.
Mark: Ahh! Fair, schmair! Y’know? Look, if you want to get back at Ross, I am here for you. Really? No-no, I say-I say, I say we get back at him right on this couch. Right here!
Rachel: Oh God. I’m sorry about this.
Mark: That’s okay.
Rachel: You sure?
Mark: Yeah. I can just go home and get back at him by myself.
– “FRIENDS” Season 3 Episode 19
Rachel: Oh! Good thing Chandler’s not here, he always wins at this game.
Monica: I just told my Mom I’d cater a party for her.
Phoebe: How come?
Monica: Because I need the money, and I thought that it’d be a great way to get rid of that last little schmidgen of self-respect.
Ross: Come on, I think this is a good thing. I don’t think Mom would’ve hired you if she didn’t think you were good at what you do.
Monica: You don’t have to stick up for her. She can’t hear you.
– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 03
*schmidgen ➡ smidgen ごく少量の
Chandler: (laughs) Okay, we have to talk. I’m just getting out of a very serious relationship…
Janice: I know! And I’m just getting out of a marriage, I mean talk about meant to be!
Chandler: Right! I just think that this is happening too soon.
Janice: Oh, too soon, too schmoon. Face it honey, I am not letting you get away this time.
Chandler: I hear ya. (Pause) But! Unfortunately, my company is transferring me overseas!
Janice: Oh no! Where to? (Gasps) Too Paris?
Chandler: No! No! Not, Paris.
– “FRIENDS” Season 4 Episode 15
Janine: Joey, it’s Anne Geddes. She’s a famous artist.
Joey: Look I don’t know this baby. I don’t know if she’s a famous artist or not. You know, and I don’t want to be a jerk but you’re changing
too much around here.
Janine: Well, I’m sorry. I just thought I’d try to make the place a little nicer.
Joey: Yeah but it’s too much stuff. You know like, you got the candles and the foofy schmoofer thing here and over here you got a picture of a watering can.
Janine: Well I just thought…
Joey: I’m sure it’s a famous watering can, okay. But, come on…and what is with the really hot stick in the bathroom?
Janine: It’s a curling iron.
– “FRIENDS” Season 6 Episode 08
*foofy (excessively frilly or fancy)