STEP BY STEP 英語表現 557
spitting image
〈話〉生き写し、うり二つ、そっくり◆【語源-1】spitの「唾をペッとはく」という意味から、「同じような話し方をする」 ⇒ 「そっくりである」と発展した。◆【語源-2】アメリカ南部では、He’s the very spit of his father. という言い方がよくされる。この spit は spirit から来ている。というのも、南部では「r」の音がはっきりと発音されないから、もともとの表現は He’s the very spirit and image of his father. であったと思われる。◆【語源-3】鏡に唾を吐き付けて磨き、はっきりと映るようにしたことから。〔英辞郎〕
-How are you, Mrs. Stephens?
-Fine, Charlie.
-And look who’s here. My, but you’re getting to be a big girl. You know, Mrs. Stephens the way she’s growing up is enough to scare you. And what a doll.
Yeah, she’s the spitting image of you.
-Thank you, Charlie.
-Well, I gotta get back to work.
-Mr. Stephens, Mrs. Stephens.
“Bewitched” – Season 4 Episode 10
次の引用では少女に “Splitting image” と故意に間違った言い方をさせているため二重引用符で括られています。
-Well, hello there. Oh, my. Aren’t you a fine, great big girl? I’ll bet your mommy’s the housekeeper, right?
-What housekeeper?
-Uh, your mommy works here. Or is it your papa?
-My daddy works for McMann & Tate, a big advertising company.
-Oh, he does? Mm-hm.
-And Tabitha’s my sister. We’re not the same color, but we’re sisters just the same.
-Oh. Uh, well, then you must look like your mommy. Uh, right?
-“Splitting image,” Daddy says. You wanna see somebody?
-Uh no. I think I’ve seen enough.
“Bewitched” – Season 7 Episode 13
-Oh, say, I’d like you to meet…
-And this must be Mrs. Stephens. I met your little girl yesterday. By George, Stephens, you’re right. She is the spitting image of her mommy. Uh– I want you to give this to her uh, from me. And, uh, I brought this one for the other little girl. Uh, Tabitha, isn’t it? And I brought this for the little boy. I wasn’t quite sure whose side of the family he takes after, so I thought I’d just play it safe. Uh, by the way, I want you two to know that I am for you.
Someday what you’re doing will be accepted, I guess. But by George, it sure takes a lot of guts. Say, I think I’ll get me some of that eggnog, all right? Heh-heh.
-Yes, sir.
“Bewitched” – Season 7 Episode 13